and slightly north of spectacular lies the mingling grounds of Gods, Monsters and Lesser Saints...
The legacy of mortals began with the gift of contemplation. A powerful means wielding a double edged sword, it has fascinated to the extremes of both conquests and defeats, all the while teaching us the harrowing blessing of existence.
Magic and wonder inseparable from the ancient art of storytelling, Los Novens has become a place where we learn it’s okay to embrace fiercely and let go gently for the surprises of tomorrow will always be there if we believe.
We laugh, we cry, we love, we hurt, but most importantly, we live.
While supervising construction of Solutrean Enterprises’ new research facility, Denali Coltrane and her crew encounter anomalies in underground scans. Finding a network of tunnels leading to a mysterious chamber, they stumble upon an ancient time capsule from a long forgotten arc of humanity’s history. Immediately a threat emerges, willing to do anything to keep the discovery a secret with the fate of human history hanging in the balance.
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